Series "Ordinary Observations" 2020

These works are exploring questions of reality and develop answers as poetic illusion.

I therefore try to experiment and even play with reality. Each image tells a story about a poetic utopia of sensual world experience taking elements from spaces of sobriety and magic. The results are a collection of imaginative alternate realities. In this way, they become visionary. They are, however, also reflections of the medium itself making the observer aware of the inherent digital variability of each picture and thereby the reality it presents.

Created by digital double exposures in several layers, the photos are modelled on something real but are beyond the certainty to represent reality. In my images, I play with the abstraction of what is perceived as representational. This leads to a form of abstraction which is to leave the photograph to be recognized as such. The basis of my photographic art is and always has been camera work. The picture the camera catches is only aesthetically altered. In order to achieve that, I place the photographs on a digital dissecting table as it were and melt together levels, forms and colors. The thus emerging formal changes transport the contents level. In this photographic process I work purely intuitively trying to find an expression for visions as a poetic and aesthetic appropriation of life and timelessness. Each image is a lyrical response of my personal awareness and at the same time a chance for the spectator for their own perception and experience.

The images of my series "Ordinary Explorations" are not to appear as photography clad in painting. They can lead photography onto new visual and aesthetic ways and to an altered perception of the medium itself. As abstraction in photography holds a not yet established position for it has always been a phenomenon in painting, digitalization added a variety of options to analogous photography which made a fusion of both media possible.

© 2016 Petra Jaenicke. Wingertsberg 1. D-64407 Fränk.-Crumbach. Germany
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