A Chair is a Chair

The title of the series "A chair is a chair" is a statement and at the same time a philosophical question, because does this uniqueness even exist? In my series, I play with the abstraction of what is perceived as objective in order to make the viewer aware of the inherent digital variability of every image, as a reflection of the medium of photography, but also the question of reality, to draw attention to the relation to reality of our perception.
The architect Marcel Breuer had a vision, wanted to design the perfect chair, the implementation of which resulted in complete dematerialization, he explained in the first issue of the Bauhaus magazine in 1926. My chair series is visionary, showing a collection of alternative realities. The spectrum ranges from a sculptural structure of chairs to an approximate dematerialization as an aesthetic world experience.
I understand and see my works as modern interpretations of the photo collages of the Dadaists. A central concern of my experimental photographic work is to create a counter-draft to the prevailing photographic and social conventions. Just like the Dadaists, who rejected the political, moral and aesthetic values of the time and elevated everyday objects to the status of art using artistic methods and means of expression such as collage or photomontage.

© 2016 Petra Jaenicke. Wingertsberg 1. D-64407 Fränk.-Crumbach. Germany
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