
All Images are digital merged photos transformed to see into the uncertain poetry of actuality. They show my quest to solutions for the demands of life as well as my longing for beauty, as an individual effort to relate the alien exterior to my interior. The images represent the way to construe my own reality. A reality that could be real and yet irritatingly surreal. In times of increasingly virtual realities, I try to re-explore reality, in order to use the medium photography to contribute to a contemporary interpretation.

The results are images of the aesthetical echo of female poetry and strength in the context of art photography. While working I experiment with reality, follow meanders and dreams and immerse myself completely in the process. My work feels like a dance with and around the real and a moment of individual engaging in the conditions of the situation. In this process, surreal coloration and double exposure are essential tools used to address the simultaneity of the world and its individual interpretation. This creates a space in which the contemplator's comfortable conventions must be put to the test and renegotiated, so these images leave space for own perception and experience.

© 2016 Petra Jaenicke. Wingertsberg 1. D-64407 Fränk.-Crumbach. Germany
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